I have been wanting a fountain for the front yard and have priced a few. WOW they are expensive. So I told the LOML (Love of My Life) Bonnie that I was going to build one. Now came the decision of something fancy, something that I had seen or something simple. With me being the Simple Man the answer was simple.
We found this tub at a yard sale and talked about using it as a planter or maybe washing the dogs. After looking at it I decided it would be the start of a simple yard fountain.

It is amazing what you can find at yard sales. I found this hand pump still in the box and never used for $12. The rusty cogs in my simple brain started turning. I told the LOML that I could use the pump as part of the fountain.

Let the construction begin...........
Building the base for the pump

Stay tuned for updates on the construction of my Simple Fountain....