Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thursday's Tid-Bit is Thursday. As you all know an I have been told that I am too politically correct at goes another one. People who live in Italy speak Italian, People from France speak French, People from Japan speak Japenese. Can you see where I am going with this? We live in the greatest country in the world, The United States of America. Why do we speak English and not AMERICAN?!!!!!!!


Missy Glave said...

Perhaps because our forefathers were English?

I don't know!! Good question.

Bonnie said...

It is a good question, but I still think it's because our "main" forefathers were from England, thus the English language became our "native" tongue. Too late in the game to change it now.

Anonymous said...

You need to post a new blog...soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!